Fair competition, integrity and responsibility

This is what GLS Group stands for as an internationally operating transportation service provider

A GLS driver holding a parcel box.

The Code of Business Standards forms the basis of all business activities of GLS Group. Furthermore it shows the obligation of GLS Group towards its stakeholders.

Customer receiving a parcel

GLS expects its suppliers to respect the standards laid out in this Supplier Code of Conduct, implement them using appropriate measures and adhere to them in their business activities.

Man on a computer.

General Logistics Systems B.V. and its affiliates (GLS) are subsidiaries of International Distribution Services plc (IDS).
As a UK company, IDS is subject to the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act.

Read IDS’ recent Modern Slavery Act Statement for 2023 / 2024 here:

A child wearing a safety helmet holds a light bulb.

The conservation of resources and the reduction of emissions are of central importance at GLS. Together with its employees, customers and suppliers, GLS wants to become one of the leading providers of sustainable parcel services.

Woman driver delivering parcels in a city setting.

Our accessibility plan aims to create an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive and access equal opportunities without barriers.

Whistleblower protection

GLS has a system to confidentially report information about criminal and similarly serious offenses.

We at GLS are committed to clear ethical principles.

This is a pillar of our success as a business. All GLS staff bears responsibility for GLS living up to its principles; quite often, it is the misconduct of just a few that badly reflects on the reputation of a business as a whole. Hence, it is crucial for GLS to get notified of potential misconduct of its staff, its suppliers or third parties as early as possible so that we can quickly act on it and efficiently remedy the situation.

Reports which concern misconduct or serious issues will be treated with the utmost confidentiality to maximize the protection of whistleblowers and those mentioned in the report. In addition, GLS Canada assures the protection of whistleblowers against any form of retaliation.

For all other reports please feel free to also contact the internal reporting channel. Such reports are also treated strictly confidentially.

We value the courage of our employees, business partners, and the public in reporting misconduct or serious issues. It is crucial that they can trust their concerns will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and investigated thoroughly. Our whistleblowing system is designed for confidential and secure reporting. Both the use of the GLS Integrity Line and contacting our ombudsman offers the reporting person the necessary protection through secure communication channels, confidentiality, transparent feedback, and the prohibition of reprisals.

Please contact the internal reporting channel through one of the following options:

1) GLS Canada's compliance officer

2) EQS integrity line

3) Our ombudsperson

Dr. Rainer Buchert, Attorney-at-Law
Kaiserstraße 22
D-60311 Frankfurt am Main


Our ombudsperson is available to all employees, business partners and third parties as a contact person.


Our ombudsperson is not responsible for complaints that do not relate to criminal offenses or similarly serious offenses. In cases of doubt, whistleblowers will be advised on the best way to proceed.


There is a duty of confidentiality and the right to refuse to give evidence to ensure the identity of the whistleblower is not disclosed. Any details shared with the ombudsperson will only be passed on to the company with express consent. Contacting the ombudsperson is always protected.


There is always the option of contacting the respective supervisor directly or another known GLS contact.