Get your parcels delivered when you're not home

With an authorisation sign, you can choose flexibility in your everyday life, by allowing us to deliver parcels to your address, even when you are not available to sign for the parcels.

You can issue the release authorisation in two ways:

- Permanent release authorisation

- One-off authorisation

Please be aware that the authorisation accounts for the entire household, and that this delivery type is not suited for apartment buildings or buildings with doorphones.

flexible home delivery gls parcel flexible home delivery gls parcel

You can order a permanent signature release authorisation for GLS parcels. Use our online portal and sign up for this practical solution and make your everyday life easier.

Use your MitID to give permission for GLS to deliver the parcel without a receipt. Follow three steps and your GLS parcel will be delivered to your address - easily and quickly.

- You order a GLS permanent release authorisation online.

- GLS sends you a release authorisation sign, which you hang up at the agreed place.

- GLS delivers future parcels to you at the agreed location - even if you are not at home.

One off home delivery authorisation One off home delivery authorisation

It is easy to issue a one off authorisation to GLS. You can do so in two ways:

- Using a piece of paper, which you hang available for our driver. Your name and signature, the date and the parcel no. must be applied on the authorisation.

- Use the button below and contact us, when the parcel is in our care.

When you have issued a release authorisation for GLS, we consider the parcel to be delivered correctly, when the driver has placed the parcel at the defined location.
This type of delivery is not suitable for apartments.


What is a power of attorney for parcel deliveries at GLS?

With a GLS authorisation, your parcels can be delivered to a specific location at your address of your choice without you having to be physically present, ensuring convenience and flexibility in parcel reception.

It's easy to order a power of attorney (PoA) with GLS. At , you can order your PoA so all future home deliveries will be left at your desired location when you are not at home. All it takes is a few minutes of your time.

At GLS, you can choose between two different types of power of attorneys: The one-off power of attorney and the permanent power of attorney.

The one-time authorisation is valid for one specific parcel that is already on its way to be delivered and can therefore be used on an occasional basis.

A permanent PoA applies to all future parcels. With a permanent Power of attorney, we know where you want your parcels to be delivered, so you can rest assured that your parcel will be delivered, when you are not at home.

Unfortunately, our authorisation solution is not suitable for apartment buildings without direct access, as GLS does not have access to stairwells with a door phone.

With a power of attorney, GLS will deliver your package to the pre-arranged spot on your property, considering it successfully delivered, thus eliminating the need for you to be home to receive it.